Transformational Leadership Coaching
What is Transformational Leadership Coaching?
What is your first impression of coaching or coach? Agile Coach? Public speaking coach? Fitness coach? Or any type of trainer? Someone who helps you to learn and get better? You are not too far from that. But there is more.
It lies in your head, your mind, your heart. The answer is simple, but not easy.
As a leader, you must have been very familiar with your domain knowledge and lots of leadership training. Nevertheless, you still feel confused and uneasy when you can not see a clear path toward your desired destination. It gets sticky in your head and you are not sure which tool you have learned to apply in this case: It feels like you have a full toolkit but you just can’t pick one at a time and nail it.
This is what we are here for: to find your unique solution internally! The leadership within! You learn how to unfold and brush up your skills, standing strong without self-doubt. You ignite your inner power. You say goodbye to self-sabotaging and unproductive thinking. When you catch yourself in an unhelpful pattern, you know how to stop it and tune in your inner wisdom.
This inside out innovation is the origin of your leadership transformation:
From a leader in employment to a purposeful business owner.
Why Transformational Leadership Coaching?
Because it works, most importantly, it is YOU that will make it work. Hearing the answer from the bottom of your heart is the most powerful moment you will experience. It takes courage and commitment for this journey. It is never easy, but is most rewarding – finally discover your hidden gem!
How does this happen? You might ask. Now reflect on yourself for a minute.
How many times you are not convinced by a so-called expert so you walk away without implementing any advice you just heard because your inner voice says no? Who else knows you better than you do?
When we are not motivated, we tend to think we need external force to push us forward, yet it is not always the most motivating. Transformational Leadership Coaching ignites your inner power and brings up the best version of yourself – the one that owns your future!
Is it like therapy?
Like therapy and counseling, coaching holds the safe space for the clients to explore their inner world, but in a non-clinical setting. It certainly comes across a lot of principles and theories of psychology and neurology. While therapy and counseling focus on healing of the past, coaching does not “fix patients”. It is more future focus and goal oriented in a fixed period. We handle both positive and problematic issues, and you will be empowered by this process.
Is it like consulting?
As a business consultant turned leadership coach, I can totally relate to this question. Many clients we have worked with are experienced in consulting and used to acquire solutions in such a manner. Although coaching is as professional as consulting, the skills and knowledge are not exactly the same in these two interventions. Coaching is collaborative, non-advisory, non-judgmental. Most importantly, great listening skills.
The coach does not need to have specific knowledge in the client’s field in order to make a successful coaching session. It is more about the way of thinking and the understanding as a human being, allowing ideas to flow. However, certain components from consulting can still be constructive for coaching and help clients to focus. We believe that the analytical thinking of consulting can be a good asset for coaching, which is why our coaching practice is called Ignitime consulting
What can I or can’t I expect from coaching?
Based on the definition from EMCC and ICF, “Coaching is a collaborative, non-directive conversation that brings about change through inquiry, reflection, choice and new behaviours. It is results-driven and non-judgmental, with great equality between the coach and the coachee”. In simple words, we will be riding this journey together but YOU are the driver.
You can expect:
- – Unconditional positive regard
- – Supportive and safe space
- – Powerful inquiry and explorational questions
- – Reflective summary and laser focus
- – Self-actualization
What you can’t expect
- – Authority
- – Just to vent and whine
- – Passive learning
- – Being told what to do or given an answer
You will realize what is stopping you and find a way to remove your blockages. You will also learn how to make steps to your goal in each exercise and experiment. Many clients reflect that by having the regular sessions, they are able to stay focused and be on track with their progress. With strength and resilience that are enlarged in the coaching process, they embrace their desired outcome and are proud of their commitments to their success.
If you are a person who can not hold yourself accountable, coaching is not for you. If you expect to be advised, coaching is not for you either. But if you are willing to take initiative and the steering wheel of your life, coaching can be of great help for you.
Ready to go on this journey together with me?