Category: Productivity

The Worrier

Procrastination Types: The Worrier ”Don’t worry. Be happy.” Did people say this to you when you are procrastinating?  You worry that others will criticize your work so you don’t feel safe to deliver?  Do you need lots of affirmation to put yourself together before you start working on your task? While these all sound like a confident issue, they do link to the fear response in our brain – in…

The Dreamer

Procrastination Types: The Dreamer “I have a dream: My task will be done in no time and effortlessly.” Surely this is not what  was said when people are daydreaming. But it was not missed in essence for Dreamers. Their procrastination is usually based on a too optimistic assumption, ambition, or escapism from boredom. They tend to underestimate the time and effort required for their tasks, but the reality is not…

The Crisis-maker

Procrastination Types: The Crisis-maker Like the Dreamer, Crisis-makers have a low threshold for boredom too. However the reasons they get distracted are quite different from the Dreamer – They need a sense of urgency to drive them. This might be due to a low level of dopamine. As a result, they are seeking dopamine-inducing activities, such as getting on social media, rock climbing or writing a 3000 word essay in…

The overdoer

Procrastination Types: The Overdoer Are you proud to be a Highachiever?  Do you believe “going the extra mile” is the key to success?  You feel like you are at the center of lots of things (if not everything)?   Does it feel like spinning plates when you try to multitask?  You might be The Overdoer.  Overdoers are those who have signed up for many things yet couldn’t get them all done…